Legislation requires the recording of certain decisions taken by officers acting under new powers delegated to them by a council or local government body, its committees, sub-committees or a joint committee.
The written record must be available at the council offices and on the website as soon as reasonably practicable, and should include:
- the decision taken and the date the decision was taken
- the reasons for this decision
- any alternative options considered and rejected
- any other background documents
Where a decision is taken under a specific express authorisation, the names of any member of the council who has declared a conflict of interest must be recorded.
This requirement only applies to all decisions taken by officers whilst acting under a specific express authorisation and to only three categories of decision taken whilst acting under a general authorisation. This categories cover decisions:
- to grant a permission or licence
- that affect the rights of an individual
- that award a contract or incur expenditure which in either case affects the council's financial position
You can ask for a copy of documents relating to decisions taken by any officer acting under specific or general delegated powers once you have paid for postage, copying or any other necessary charge for transmission.
Planning decisions
These are published and included in the planning portal record:
Licensing decisions
These are published and included in the licensing portal record:
Other decisions
Officer decision records for the past year are included here. If you wish to see previous years, please email foi@eastcambs.gov.uk