Our role in an emergency

Accidents, whether human or natural, occur from time to time. They can occur on a small or large scale, such as fire, transport disaster, chemical incident, flooding, pandemic flu or a terrorist attack, and of course there is always the unexpected.

Our role in an emergency is to:

  • support the emergency services in all areas of their work
  • maintain essential services
  • assist in returning the community to a state of normality as soon as possible.

Our aim is to prepare emergency plans and make arrangements to protect the people, property and environment of East Cambridgeshire and reduce the impact on them from an emergency. As a member of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Resilience Forum we liaise with the emergency services, other local authorities, voluntary organisations and private agencies to ensure that we have an integrated response to an emergency. Working together we prepare contingency plans and organise major-incident training and exercises to prepare for emergencies.

Whatever the incident, our role is always to provide support and care to the community and to get things back to normality as soon as possible. Our emergency planning officer is responsible for assisting in the emergency preparedness of the council and providing assistance and guidance to businesses and the general public. This can cover a wide range of emergencies such as floods, chemical leaks and gas explosions through to comparatively minor incidents. An emergency planning officer is on call at all times to deal with any emergency.