The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Resilience Forum comprises local emergency service responders (police, fire, ambulance), local authorities, as well as associated businesses, organisations and voluntary sector representatives.

These organisations work together through the forum to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies.

The community risk register is a collection of assessments of emergencies that might happen locally within Cambridgeshire. Each potential emergency is rated in terms of its potential impact and likelihood of occurring.

The top risks with our region are:

  • pandemic flu
  • industrial accident
  • widespread electricity loss
  • flooding
  • severe weather
  • terrorism

The register aims:

  • to ensure that local responders understand the risks they face, to provide a sound foundation for planning
  • to provide a work programme and to ensure efficient allocation of resources to enable local responders to assess the adequacy of their plans
  • to facilitate and encourage multi-agency working which ensures a more comprehensive planning process
  • to provide an accessible overview of the emergency planning context for the public and other interested parties

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough community risk register is a living document that details the risks within Cambridgeshire. A risk for the purpose of the register is one that can lead to a major emergency