Council committees

East Cambridgeshire District Council consists of 28 councillors representing the district as a whole, and as councillors for their wards.

We currently have 14 Conservative members and 14 Liberal Democrat and Independent Group members.

We have a committee system and the current committee make-up is:

  • Audit committee: 5 councillors
  • Finance and Assets committee: 11 councillors
  • Operational Services committee: 11 councillors
  • Licensing committee: 11 councillors
  • Licensing (non-statutory) sub-committee: 5 councillors
  • Licensing (statutory) sub-committee: 3 councillors
  • Planning committee: 11 councillors

There are other elected members that have responsibility for East Cambridgeshire:

  • 8 councillors for Cambridgeshire County Council who are elected to represent the separate county divisions within the district
  • 1 Member of Parliament

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